Hello everyone. I know a couple of topics have covered this but I can't seem to figure out how to select controls in my dataset. I have an asthma dataset with 200 cases and 4000 controls. I would like to select 3 controls for every case based on a variable labelled time (Give or take 15 days). The problem I have having is that when I conduct the match, I get 300 controls only. I guess I am not sure how to do plus or minus 15 days before getting controls automatically selected and then keeping only 3 controls afterwards. The code I used is below and thank you.

keep if asthma ==0
rename * *_control
rename therapydate_control therapydate
tempfile controls
save `controls'

keep if asthma ==1
rename * *_case
rename therapydate_case therapydate

joinby time using control, unmatched(master)

set seed 5678
gen double shuffle = runiform()
by id (shuffle), sort: keep if _n <= 3
drop shuffle