Hi all!
I'm very new to Stata so apologies in advance if my question isn't very well formed. I am performing an analysis of gender, race, and nationality bias in international affair's syllabi. I have collected 60 syllabi, and coded each one for the professor's age and race and for each assigned readings' authors race, gender, and nationality, as well as the date published for each assigned reading. I am trying to calculate if the professor's race and gender has an impact on the demographics of the readings they assign. I am firstly doing it by individual factors (e.g. do white professors assign more white authors) and then by intersectional factors (e.g. do white, male professors assign more white, male, American authors). I have made all the variables to be dummy variables (e.g. 0 if male, 1 if non-male), but I'm not sure where to go from here. I would like to be able to calculate things such as how much more likely a white professor is to assign a white author. Thank you so so so much in advance for your help!
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