
I've created a dataset of 30 countries over 30 years for 29 different variables. For some of these countries, the 30-year time span for some countries has several missing data points and I was wondering how do I interpolate these missing observations for each country? Also, is there a command to identify which countries have completely or nearly empty sets for a specific variable? For example, if I had a dataset:
country year selfemployed% FDI(inflow %)
Bermuda 2001 3% 25.16%
Bermuda 2002 . 23.40%
Bermuda 2003 . 6%
Bahamas 2001 . .
Bahamas 2002 . 14%
Bahamas 2003 . 20%
Barbados 2001 14% 16%
Barbados 2002 16.3% 5%
Barbados 2003 16% .
Is there a command that summarizes which countries have missing data among all variables? I would like to be able to tell which variables I should delete given that there are very few observations for multiple countries. I would also like to know how I would interpolate for instance the missing data point for the FDI in Bermuda for 2003.

Thank you!