Thanks in advance for your help. Maybe, what I am going to ask is an easy question for many of you but I have been unable to find a solution. Sorry in that case!!!

I have a var (GEOMETRY) that I need to change replacing odd commas by an space. In this example, I am trying to replace this value:
1. | MultiPolygon(((232840.245027644, 4143512.94418335, 233025.149040326, 4143497.94213052, 233137.343532, 4143913.93358042, 233082.751561214, 4143979.93295409, 233074.45.. |

By this value:

1. | MultiPolygon(((232840.245027644 4143512.94418335, 233025.149040326 4143497.94213052, 233137.343532 4143913.93358042, 233082.751561214 4143979.93295409, 233074.45.. |

As you can see, every two commas (starting by the first one) should be replaced by a space or deleted (it is the same for me). But I don not know how to do it.

What I am intending is to adapt a system (used in Oracle Space) by other one (used in QGIS, WKT). That is the reason why I need this replacing.
Thanks a lots
Juan Miguel Gómez.