Dear all,

I am analysing an unbalanced panel dataset that is similar to the following example:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(family id) str1 partnerid int(year inc)
1 1 "2" 2000 1250
1 1 "2" 2001 1250
1 1 "2" 2002 1300
1 1 "2" 2003 1300
1 1 "2" 2004 1380
1 1 "2" 2005 1400
1 2 "1" 2000 2000
1 2 "1" 2001 2120
1 2 "1" 2002 2120
1 2 "1" 2003 2120
1 2 "1" 2004 2250
1 2 "1" 2005 2250
2 3 "4" 2000 1300
2 3 "4" 2001    0
2 4 "3" 2000 1500
2 4 "3" 2001 1600
2 4 "." 2002 1600
2 4 "." 2003 1800
2 4 "5" 2004 1800
2 5 "4" 2004 1400
I want to create a variable partner income (partnerinc) that shows the income of the partner in the corresponding year, if a partner was in the family of course.
The solution should look like this:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(family id) str1 partnerid int(year inc) str4 partnerinc
1 1 "2" 2000 1250 "2000"
1 1 "2" 2001 1250 "2120"
1 1 "2" 2002 1300 "2120"
1 1 "2" 2003 1300 "2120"
1 1 "2" 2004 1380 "2250"
1 1 "2" 2005 1400 "2250"
1 2 "1" 2000 2000 "1250"
1 2 "1" 2001 2120 "1250"
1 2 "1" 2002 2120 "1300"
1 2 "1" 2003 2120 "1300"
1 2 "1" 2004 2250 "1380"
1 2 "1" 2005 2250 "1400"
2 3 "4" 2000 1300 "1500"
2 3 "4" 2001    0 "1600"
2 4 "3" 2000 1500 "1300"
2 4 "3" 2001 1600 "0"   
2 4 "." 2002 1600 "."   
2 4 "." 2003 1800 "."   
2 4 "5" 2004 1800 "1400"
2 5 "4" 2004 1400 "1800"
I did it manually for these very few observation, but how do I create such a variable in general? I was looking through other posts on the forum but could not find a related one or get the hang of it when it was related.
I am using Stata 16.0. on Windows.

Thank you very much for your help in advance.

Best regards,