Dear all,

Suppose I have a large dataset that comprises the age and income of Individuals. Now assume I regress the income on age but use age dummies instead of treating it as a continous variables. Afterwards I visualize the age dummy coefficients within a lineplot. The X-Axis comprise the age (going from 18-80 years) and the Y-Axis the Coefficient values. I can achieve this task by using following code:
* Create arbitrary dataset
set obs 10000
egen age = seq(), f(18) t(80)
gen income = rnormal(4000,1000)

*Regress and plot age dummy coefficients:
gen beta1=.
gen n1=_n if _n>17 & _n<=80
xi: reg income i.age
forvalues number=19/80 {
replace beta1=_b[_Iage_`number'] if _n==`number'
twoway (line beta1 n1, graphregion(color(white)) ylabel(, nogrid) xtitle(Age) ytitle(Wage) lcolor(black))
Resulting in the following graph which is exactly what I want:

However, now comes the tricky part. I want to repeat this procedure but instead of using the age dummies for every year (18, 19, 20, ..., 79, 80) I want to use age dummies that comprise 10 year intervals (e.g. if someone is in his twenties, thirties, fourties...) for which I generated the appropriate variable called "age_10":

*Create Age variable comprising 10 year intervals
g age_10=.
replace age_10=10 if age<20
replace age_10=20 if age>=20 & age<30
replace age_10=30 if age>=30 & age<40
replace age_10=40 if age>=40 & age<50
replace age_10=50 if age>=50 & age<60
replace age_10=60 if age>=60 & age<700
replace age_10=70 if age>=70 & age<80
replace age_10=80 if age>=80
Unfortunatly if I proceed using the same method as above, the resulting plot is just empty, even though the x-axis and y-axis are scaled correctly- basically just the line is missing. I used the following Code to create the second plot:

*Regress and plot 10-year age dummy coefficients:
gen beta2=.
gen n2=_n*10 if _n>1 & _n<=8
xi: reg income i.age_10
foreach number of numlist 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 {
replace beta2=_b[_Iage_10_`number'] if _n==`number'
twoway (line beta2 n2, graphregion(color(white)) ylabel(, nogrid) xtitle(Age) ytitle(Wage) lcolor(black))
Creating following Graph:

Any help to find my mistake or to come up with a different solution would be highly appreciated.

Best regards,
