As context, I'm estimating several regressions with around 900 parameters. I need to save around 400 of them (the ones that are an interaction, so I can then merge them back into the data set and do a scatter plot). I'm using statsby to save the parameters to a dataset, however, statsby gives us something like:

. des _stat_619

Variable Storage Display Value
name type format label Variable label
_stat_619 float %9.0g _b[4672.cae4#c.educ]

When reshaping, the 619 means nothing to me. I actually only care about the 4672 in the label.

Practically, my problem can be explaining in the following manner:
input id x2007 x2008 x2009
1 12 16 18

foreach v of varlist x* {
label variable `v' "`=substr("`v'",1,1)' factor(`=substr("`v'",length("`v'")-3,4)')"

desc *

//This is what I'm getting (see list):
reshape long x, i(id) j(year)

//This is what I want (see list):
label define yearlbl 2007 "x factor(2007)" 2008 "x factor(2008)" 2009 "x factor(2009)" , replace
label values year yearlbl
Thanks for you time!