Hi all,

I recently attended the webinar on customizable tables in Stata 17. One of the sample tables used in the webinar, as shown below in slighted modified, demonstrates the power of the new table/collect command.

                No             Yes            Total    
  Male    2,611   43.7%   2,304   52.7%   4,915   47.5%
  Female  3,364   56.3%   2,072   47.3%   5,436   52.5%
  White   5,317   89.0%   3,748   85.6%   9,065   87.6%
  Black     545    9.1%     541   12.4%   1,086   10.5%
  Other     113    1.9%      87    2.0%     200    1.9%

Equally common is the need to show row percentages across the column variable, in this instance, the yes/no values of hypertension. Alternatively, in a slightly different arrangement, a table that combines the results from multiple tabstat results, showing total case count, count of cases with the yes value, and percent with yes, all properly formatted, would be very helpful as well. I searched without success any postings related this type of table using the new Stata 17 command table/collect. Shown below is the log result from tabstat using the same dataset in the webinar.

. webuse nhanes2, clear

. tabstat highbp, by(sex) s(count sum mean)

Summary for variables: highbp
Group variable: sex (Sex)

   sex |         N       Sum      Mean
  Male |      4915      2304  .4687691
Female |      5436      2072  .3811626
 Total |     10351      4376  .4227611

. tabstat highbp, by(race) s(count sum mean)

Summary for variables: highbp
Group variable: race (Race)

  race |         N       Sum      Mean
 White |      9065      3748  .4134584
 Black |      1086       541  .4981584
 Other |       200        87      .435
 Total |     10351      4376  .4227611
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
