I am trying to use NYC census shapefile from here - https://www1.nyc.gov/site/planning/d...-metadata.page
The coordinates (XY) are not in standard lat long format because of which I am unable to use geoinpoly command for further processing of data.
I get the following error:
shp2dta using nyct2010, data("nyc_attr.dta") coord("nyc_coord.dta") ///
genid(stid) gencentroids(cc) replace
use nyc_attr, clear
destring BoroCode, replace
spmap BoroCode using "nyc_coord.dta", id(stid) fcolor(Greys) ocolor(black) title("NYC School Distrcits")
*import excel "....\NYCCAS Year 1 thru 10 Raw Data\NOX_raw_data_year1_10.xlsx", sheet("raw_data") firstrow
*keep blk_corr_no2 nox_start_datetime nox_end_date_time season longitude latitude site_type
geoinpoly latitude longitude using "nyc_coord.dta"
272844.29 120128.37
Y (latitude) must be between -90 and 90 in coordinates file
************************************************** *************************************
Can anyone help please?
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