So I am running these two OLS regressions on two DVs, each having the same IVs. The problem is, one DV is continuous, and the other is measured categorically in a five-point Likert scale format (I converted both into an index ranging from -1 to 1, increasing from left-wing to right-wing). Now, here are the frequency distributions for both:
Aboriginal Support Index:

Racial Minority Support Index:

And here are the regressions I run on both:
reg pes19_donerm_index i.immigrant_status i.region i.gender_status i.age_group i.education_status i.religious_status i.income_group i.urban_status i.party_id_status i.soc_net_vis_status c.ideology_index
reg aboriginal_support_index i.immigrant_status i.region i.gender_status i.age_group i.education_status i.religious_status i.income_group i.urban_status i.party_id_status i.soc_net_vis_status c.ideology_index
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