Hi all,

I am trying to make a time-series line plot for employment as a dummy variable (called "lfs", where 1="employed"; 0="not"), and am trying to treat this as a continuous rate for the whole four-month period and for each month over the period (i.e., if 59% of respondents=1 "Employed" in February, 55% in March, etc., then it shows up as such in the line plot).

How can I create a variable which turns this into a rate (the proportion of people in the whole sample for whom lfs=1)? As well, can this variable then be used for a time-series line plot?

I've tried the code:

twoway (tsline lfs if male ==1)
but it gives me the unusable and odd output below:

The x-axis seems right (if un-labelled), but I am stumped on the y-axis/how to treat "lfs" as a continuous outcome among the sample (and sub-samples).

Any insights would be most appreciated.

Thanks so much,