I have two queries relating to the use of table1_mc:
I would like to create a table1 describing rates of cardiac interventions (ECHO, angiography, PCI, CABG) stratified by both stage of chronic kidney disease (ckd_stage) and heart attack type (acuteMI_type). My current attempt is below, but STATA reports that I am specifying too many variables within my "by" command (r103). Is there a way to get around this?
table1_mc, by(ckd_stage acuteMI_type) vars(echo bin %4.0f\ angiogram bin %4.0f\ pci bin %4.0f\ cabg bin %4.0f) nospace onecol missing test saving("table 3.xlsx", replace)
2) I have also tried to generate a column for overall missingness of each variable (see code above) but I don't seem to get a result for this. Could someone possibly suggest where I'm going wrong?
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