I am trying to assign consecutive years of exports to my data. My data consists of Years, products (hs06), countries and export value_CAD . I was able to achieve this originally when I limited my data to only one product in my analysis; example using lentil exports:
keep if hs06 == 71340 drop if year == 1988 | year == 1989 | year == 2016 | year == 2017 tsset country_code year drop if export_q == 0 gen run = . by country_code: replace run = cond(L.run == ., 1, L.run + 1) by country_code: egen maxrun = max(run) tsspell country_code by country_code : generate No_Years = _N
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float year long hs06 str43 hs06_name str28 country double export_CAD float(run maxrun) byte(_spell _seq _end) float No_Years 1997 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "St Pierre & Miquelon" 46260 1 4 1 1 1 5 2003 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "St Pierre & Miquelon" 2357 1 4 2 1 0 5 2004 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "St Pierre & Miquelon" 3074 2 4 2 2 0 5 2005 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "St Pierre & Miquelon" 4476 3 4 2 3 0 5 2006 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "St Pierre & Miquelon" 1046 4 4 2 4 1 5 1990 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "United States" 1461685 1 26 1 1 0 26 1991 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "United States" 2519920 2 26 1 2 0 26 1992 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "United States" 1745353 3 26 1 3 0 26 1993 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "United States" 1854908 4 26 1 4 0 26 1994 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "United States" 1833379 5 26 1 5 0 26 1995 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "United States" 1844376 6 26 1 6 0 26 1996 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "United States" 3441881 7 26 1 7 0 26 1997 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "United States" 6526230 8 26 1 8 0 26 1998 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "United States" 6028648 9 26 1 9 0 26 1999 71340 "Lentils, dried/shelled" "United States" 3473161 10 26 1 10 0 26 end
When I try the same code without the line
keep if hs06 == 71340
My objective is to analyse the same trade spell duration for all products at once to get an idea of summary statistics for trade as a whole.
Thank you,
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