Hi all,

I have a dataset that includes total income, variable age ranges from 25 to 54, year from 1982 to 2018 and immigrant dummy variable. I want to generate two dummy variables for those who are at the top 1% and top10% of income distribution based on the year and age and then plot the share of those immigrants who are at the top 1% and top10% over years. So, basically, I generated the percentiles for each age group and for each year as follow:

gen ptile_inc=.

forvalues a = 25/54 {
xtile p`a' = totinc if age==`a' & year==1982 [aw=weight], nq(100)
replace ptile_inc=p`a' if age==`a' & year==1982

gen ptile_inc1=.

forvalues a = 25/54 {
xtile p1_`a' = totinc if age==`a' & year==1983 [aw=weight], nq(100)
replace ptile_inc1=p1_`a' if age==`a' & year==1983

gen top1_1982=(ptile_inc==100 | 
gen top1_1983=ptile_inc1==100

gen top10_1982=ptile_inc>90
gen top10_1983=ptile_inc1>90
This code is for only two years. However, doing this for each year needs too many codes and also creates too many variables. I am just wondering is there a neat syntax for creating top1% and top 10% dummy variables. Any guidance on this is much appreciated.