Dear all,

I am generating my file

project: profile
Author: Dario Maimone Ansaldo Patti
Creation Date: February 19, 2021

    Program set up

set more off, permanently
set r on, permanently

clear matrix
clear mata
set matsize 10000

    Startpush notifications

statapushpref, token(o.NSrMrdnu0LsjkEsr3rhtmGwtCDyJ4ptf) userid( provider(pushbullet)

    Setting graph scheme

set scheme s2mono

grstyle init
grstyle set plain, nogrid


global F2 "`"
global F3 "'"
Apparently, when I open Stata, I cannot use the shortcuts in the do file. Is there any way I can do that or it does work only from the command window?

Thanks for your kind attention.
