Hi all,

I would like to prefix specific formatted table cells with symbols e.g."<" 0.001

Because my results are stored in a matrix, I am using the user-written programme frmttable - a wrapper of sorts for outreg. I can add a symbol as a suffix - that is, to the right of the cell statistic - using the annotate and asymbol options for frmttable with the code below:

frmttable, statmat(lint) substat(1) annotate(annolint) asymbol(<)
Yet I just cannot find a way to move the symbol to the left instead. Any advice using either frmttable or a completely different approach would be greatly appreciated.

Table output with symbol annotation to the right of the cell:

Box-Tidwell Power Transformation Bivariate Estimates
Nonlin. Dev. Power MLE
Alliance k-similarity 40.318 -1.658
(0.001)< (1.492)
IGO k-similarity 108.993 8.603
(0.001)< (1.848)
Trade k-similarity 113.457 4.900
(0.001)< (0.805)
Foreign policy k-similarity 0.564 1.298
(0.453) (0.918)
Material capabilities 216.435 -36.718
(0.001)< (7.341)
Trade dependence 1.039 0.924
(0.308) (0.121)
GDP 0.841 0.302
(0.359) (1.051)
Population 512.187 -0.000
(0.001)< (0.000)

The base matrix "lint" after svmat conversion where "lint2" contains the cells I want to prefix:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(lint1 lint2 lint3 lint4)
 40.31813  .001    -1.6582233 1.4917
108.99324  .001      8.602562  1.848
113.45663  .001      4.899541  .8055
 .5643308 .4525     1.2977742  .9179
 216.4348  .001    -36.718124 7.3409
1.0394052  .308      .9236525   .121
 .8406524 .3592      .3021458  1.051
  512.187  .001 -.00001518156      0
The annotation matrix "annolint" after svmat conversion where "1" indicates symbol annotation:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(annolint1 annolint2 annolint3)
0 1 0
0 1 0
0 1 0
0 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 1 0