Hello folks

I have a data set with several observations at different times for companies. However, some values are missing. It is a dependent dataset, so I use a paired t-test.

The output table gives me (Obs,Mean,Std. Err.,Std. Dev., [95% Conf. Interval]).
Do any of you know how I can get the median displayed?

Unfortunately I can't just do tabstat because by paired ttest the n is always in dependency to the two groups.
Thank you so much in advance!


ttest Post1 == Pre
---> Paired t test
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Err. Std. Dev. [95% Conf. Interval]
Post1 | 92 1783.223 142.3248 1296.641 1500.093 2066.352
Pre | 92 1342.873 107.4634 979.0379 1129.095 1556.652
diff | 92 440.349 82.08607 747.8397 277.0537 603.6444

ttest Post2 == Pre
---> Paired t test
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Err. Std. Dev. [95% Conf. Interval]
Post2 | 74 1954.532 156.5427 1517.738 1643.669 2265.395
Pre | 74 1377.931 105.91 1026.835 1167.615 1588.247
diff | 94 576.6011 104.6164 1014.294 368.8535 784.3486