Hi I was trying to run this regression but i am getting this error "option 3aster not allowed", i install outreg2 as well and using Stata 15.1, any suggestion how to fix this or alternatively better command to display this reg
xi: areg zhhworkedwageanyhh audit und fpm auditzknowsfamilygovt zavgadultedyearsinhh activitiesnumberpercapita zage zfemale zlhhexpcap zknowsfamilygovt zknowsfamilyH i.zrespondtype zrespondlate, cluster(kecnum) absorb(auditstrat)
local fe = e(df_a)
if `fe' == . {
local fe = 0
local depvar = e(depvar)
qui summ `depvar' if e(sample)
outreg2 word audit zknowsfamilygovt zknowsfamilyH activitiesnumberpercapita auditzknowsfamilygovt using tableauditnep, 3aster coefastr se adds("Mean dep. var",r(mean),"FE",`fe') replace title ("Nepotism")
xi: areg zhhworkedwageanyhh audit und fpm auditzknowsfamilyH zavgadultedyearsinhh zage zfemale activitiesnumberpercapita zlhhexpcap zknowsfamilygovt zknowsfamilyH i.zrespondtype zrespondlate, cluster(kecnum) absorb(auditstrat)
local fe = e(df_a)
if `fe' == . {
local fe = 0
local depvar = e(depvar)
qui summ `depvar' if e(sample)
outreg audit zknowsfamilygovt zknowsfamilyH auditzknowsfamilyH activitiesnumberpercapita using tableauditnep, 3aster coefastr se adds("Mean dep. var",r(mean),"FE",`fe') append
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