
I am in desperate need of help! I tried to show my data with dataex but given the size (25 million observations) there are a lot of limitations so I will show the best example below.

id sequence_ date_procedure procedure_1 procedure_2
1 942 3/3/2011 1 .
1 942 3/3/2011 . .
1 942 3/3/2011 1 1
1 952 5/5/2012 . 1
1 952 5/5/2012 . 1
1 952 5/5/2012 . .

the code for sequence was : egen sequence=group(date_procedure)

procedure 1 and procedure 2 can occur on the same or different dates and are based on hcpcs codes in medicare. There may be more than one code for the procedure that is listed which is why procedure can occur twice in the same date.

dates are %tdnn/dd/CCYY format

I want to do two things:
1. I want to count the total number of unique procedures that a patient received. I am having a hard time figuring out how to do this based since the data is in long format and the same procedure may be listed multiple times due to repeat HCPCS codes.

2. I want the date of the second procedure that patients received.

I apologize if this is not a great format to put this question in. Please let me know if I can improve the post or clarify what I need.

Thank you in advance