I want to include the industry fixed effects in a dynamic panel model based on the 2 digit sic code (S&P industry classification). I used xtabond2 and the model was running just fine: the model was
xtabond2 dsow L.dsow epu cfw leveragew f.growth2w faw sizew roaw dgs3mo gdpqg infq i.q_date, gmm(L.dsow,eq(both) collapse lag(1 1)) gmm(epu,eq(both collapse lag(1 1)) gmm(cfw,eq(both) collapse lag(2 2)) gmm(leveragew,eq(both) collapse lag(1 1)) gmm(leveragew,eq(lboth) collapse lag(1 1)) gmm(growth2w,eq(both) collapse lag(2 2)) gmm(faw,eq(both) collapse lag(1 1)) gmm(sizew,eq(both) collapse lag(2 2)) gmm(roaw,eq(both) collapse lag(1 1)) iv(i.L.q_date,eq(diff)) iv(i.L.q_date,eq(level))iv(L.dgs3mo) iv(L.gdpqg) iv(L.infq) twostep robust
xtabond2 dsow L.dsow epu cfw leveragew f.growth2w faw sizew roaw dgs3mo gdpqg infq i.q_date
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