Hi there!

I am doing a cohort study (1 group) with cancer patients for which I made a Cox model with 6 significant predictor variables (a continuous variable of interest and 5 category variables that are known predictors of death) to predict survival (death/alive).
In total I have n=795 patients of which only 35% had the event (death) and follow-up time differed for patients between 1 and 4 years.

I got the question to explain that the study is currently powered enough given N=795 and only a few events and 6 predictor variables of which some have multiple levels. (e.g. variable "stage" has values of 1, 2 and 3)
At the moment, I can only find only find examples of binary variables of interest or the comparison of survival between 2 groups. Given I have only 1 group, I am struggeling on what analysis to do. I have tried the power cox command, but am not sure what values to put in (e.g. how to interpret the SD of the tested covariate properties)

Could someone help me in the right direction?

Kind regards Jessy