Dear Community,

I am having a problem with obtaining the standard errors of indirect effect. My research topic is to examining the impact of locus of control on life satisfaction and using physical activities as a mediator. I want to obtain the coefficient and standard errors of the indirect effect. Here are my equations with random effect estimation:

(1) Physical activities = a1 locus of control + a2 control variables + error term
(2) Life satisfaction = b1 locus of control +b2 physical activities + b3 control variables + error term

The indirect effect is a1*b2. I have checked the previous posts and follow this way: estimate both equations, use estimates store and use suest, then nlcom. But xtreg is not supported by suest. I don’t know whether this is the right way. If not, it would be great if you can suggest another way. Can anyone support me to solve this problem?

Thank you and best regards.