I have a list of dates for specific company events of listed US companies. This variable (reguldate) may include weekends as well as holidays.
For each of these companies, I have a dataset containing daily stock price data from which I created a business calender:

 bcal create biscal, from(date) replace
I then transformed the regular event dates using:
gen businessdate= bofd("biscal",reguldate)
The help file states:
Function bofd() returns missing when the date does not appear on the specified calendar.
However, if reguldate is a non trading date (according to the business calender I created) I would like to get previous trading date instead of a missing value, so something like: businessdate-1
Is there a way to include those values what are omited according to my .stbcal file?

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input int regulardate float businessdate
14607 104
14570  79
14571  80
14574  82
14572  81
14577  83
14578  84
14579  85
14578  84
14579  85
14577  83
14580  86
14580  86
14580  86
14585  89
14584  88
14573   .
14584  88
14585  89
14585  89
format %tdDD/NN/CCYY regulardate
format %tbbiscal businessdate