I am currently writing my master thesis, where I analyze the effect of hurricanes on the stock market. I have an unbalanced panel dataset with stock returns over several days prior to and after each hurricane over a time frame of several years. I created a dummy variable "hurricane" taking the value 1 if the stock is affected that day by a hurricane, 0 otherwise. I included time-fixed as well as firm-fixed effects and clustered the standard error on firm-level. I have run the following regression as a baseline model:

xtreg RET i.hurricane i.date, fe vce(cluster PERMNO)

Some stocks are never affected, whereas others are affected once or even multiple times. The dummy is intermittent (switches "on and off")

My understanding is, that this variable can be seen as the interaction term post*treated in the diff-in-diff model, is that correct? Is the TWFE model equivalent to the generalized DID?

Any help would be highly appreciated!! Have a great NYE!