Hello everyone,
I am working with panel data and I would like to kindly ask you for some guidance. The problem may seem trivial to some of you, but I have to admit I do not know how to deal with my problem.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double crsp_fundno long caldt float totalreturn
2706 15279   .024748646
2706 16282  -.013114043
2706 16314    .01105325
2706 16344   .013855805
2706 16373    .01221272
2706 16405    .02567463
2706 16436   .023424506
2706 16467  -.011213606
2706 16495    .00991609
2706 16526  -.011934737
2706 16555  -.002844098
2706 16587   .022079043
2706 16617   .007660258
2706 16646   .015898954
2706 16679   .006798665
2706 16709   .004056035
2706 16740  -.013472764
2706 16770   .021835493
2706 16800   .012771065
2706 16832    .02111781
2706 16860 -.0013869605
2706 16891    .00344977
2706 16919   .008940833
2706 16952   -.02251356
2706 16982  .0006903863
2706 17013  .0041847653
2706 17044   .017356306
2706 17073   .013650396
2706 17105   .020194326
2706 17135   .014516724
2706 17164   .005006196
2706 17197   .007528771
2706 17225  .0013551157
2706 17255   .005412986
2706 17286    .02227978
2706 17317   .013191413
2706 17346  -.007165887
2706 17378  -.008541029
2706 17409   .008599109
2706 17437    .02756282
2706 17470     .0204282
2706 17500  -.015645668
2706 17531  -.004752705
2706 17562   -.02759434
2706 17591  -.013820929
2706 17622   -.01256211
2706 17652   .031387217
2706 17682   .005068702
2706 17713   -.04542773
2706 17744  -.014363908
2706 17773  -.001528342
2706 17805   -.07752702
2706 17836   -.11563985
2706 17864   -.03855668
2706 17897    .04511837
2706 17927    -.0402251
2706 17955    -.0566357
2706 17987    .04560557
2706 18017    .06875563
2706 18046    .05882353
2706 18078   .004115226
2706 18109    .05840164
2706 18140   .027105516
2706 18170   .033930253
2706 18200  -.006381039
2706 18231    .03119266
2706 18262   .009373898
2706 18291  -.014362657
2706 18319   .013661202
2706 18352    .03504043
2706 18382   .012152778
2706 18410   -.04631218
2706 18443   -.01528777
2706 18473    .04840183
2706 18505  -.014808362
2708 15279    .02570281
2708 16405    .04043605
2708 16436    .03043185
2708 16467   -.01996008
2708 16495   .016972166
2708 16526  -.015353805
2708 16555   -.01016949
2708 16587   .028767124
2708 16617   .007989348
2708 16646   .027741084
2708 16679   .003213368
2708 16709   .010890455
2708 16740  -.015842838
2708 16770    .03090792
2708 16800   .014739787
2708 16832   .029126214
2708 16860  -.003144654
2708 16891   .010094637
2708 16919    .01436602
2708 16952  -.032635465
2708 16982  .0006365372
2708 17013 -.0006361323
2708 17044    .01909612
2708 17073    .01623985
2708 17105    .02704364
format %td caldt
This is just a small part of the entire data.
I am using 60 month estimation window to get alpha for funds in my sample, in the later stage. The data was provided on consecutive monthly basis. Normally in a ideal circumstances I would use

bys crsp_fundno: gen obs=_N
drop if obs<60
drop obs,

and then run the rangestat with interval of 60. But the problem is that in the meantime, I had to drop observations when a fund for example was too volatile or too small. Thus, there is a possibility that I will not have 60 consecutive months for my estimation window for a fund (for example, in the 60 month window for a fund with 65 monthly observations, if any (except first or last 5) month is missing). This is slightly (or more) too much for my current STATA level. This is why I would like to kindly ask you which command should I use to check how many time such situation happens in my sample that although a fund has 60 months but those are not consecutive, and what command should I use with the rangestat (reg) command the way it would not calculate anything when the window consist of 60 months that are not consecutive?

Thank you very much!
