Hello everyone,

I am trying to translate the following output to a table in a word document. However, I am a bit unsure about how to correctly interpret the output. Primarily when looking at the constant.

I am currently running two tables: one with a baseline of 4 (Green/ecologist parties) and one with 2 (Communist/socialist parties). The dependent variable is political success. In both tables, the output is exponentiated. However, I obviously still want to include both families. How do I do this correctly? Since the output from both tables are vastly different from one another

Table 1 (Green/ecologist parties as baseline)
success Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
Christian democracy 2.429069 .0834748 25.83 0.000 2.27085 2.598312
Communist/Socialist .7689889 .026734 -7.56 0.000 .7183365 .8232128
Conservative 1.256617 .0455363 6.30 0.000 1.170463 1.349112
Liberal 1.798223 .060369 17.48 0.000 1.68371 1.920523
Right-wing 2.589988 .1875777 13.14 0.000 2.247244 2.985007
Social democracy 2.145219 .1034633 15.83 0.000 1.951724 2.357897
Special issue .5662629 .0364536 -8.83 0.000 .4991389 .6424137
cabinetnumb .9163369 .0041901 -19.11 0.000 .9081612 .9245862
seats .9893395 .00136 -7.80 0.000 .9866775 .9920088
elecsuccess 1.239797 .0307061 8.68 0.000 1.181052 1.301465
governing 10.3113 .3449301 69.75 0.000 9.656935 11.01001
_cons .8578049 .0282499 -4.66 0.000 .8041853 .9149996
Table 2 (communist/socialist as baseline)
success Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
Christian democracy 3.158783 .0983181 36.95 0.000 2.971843 3.357482
Conservative 1.634116 .0590701 13.59 0.000 1.522347 1.754091
Green/Ecologist 1.300409 .0452088 7.56 0.000 1.214753 1.392105
Liberal 2.338425 .0749027 26.52 0.000 2.196131 2.489938
Right-wing 3.368044 .2450815 16.69 0.000 2.920375 3.884337
Social democracy 2.789661 .1146532 24.96 0.000 2.573758 3.023676
Special issue .7363734 .0479969 -4.69 0.000 .6480622 .8367188
cabinetnumb .9163369 .0041901 -19.11 0.000 .9081612 .9245862
seats .9893395 .00136 -7.80 0.000 .9866775 .9920088
elecsuccess 1.239797 .0307061 8.68 0.000 1.181052 1.301465
governing 10.3113 .3449301 69.75 0.000 9.656935 11.01001
_cons .6596424 .0258202 -10.63 0.000 .6109283 .7122409