I was trying to get the standardized coefficient from ologit model. "listcoef" can produce the table nicely, but I want to reproduce the regression table with just x-standardized coefficients.
So, what I was doing is, first, standardize the X variables, then, regress the Y on standardized Xs. But the standardized coefficients from my model are different from the "listcoef" results for the categorical variables. Standardize categorical variables will literally yield the same thing, so I kept using
i.foreign i.hdroom
rather than standardized variables. Please look at my code below:

sysuse auto,clear

* drop missing data
drop if rep78==.

* recode headroom into three categories
recode headroom (1.5 2 2.5 =1 "small") ///
(3 3.5 =2 "medium") ///
(4 4.5 5 =3 "large"), ///
gen(hdroom) label(headroom)
tab hdroom,mi

* unstandardized coefficient
ologit rep78 price i.foreign i.hdroom

* get standardized coefficient using "listcoef"
listcoef, std help

* standardize X variables
foreach v in price foreign hdroom {
egen std`v' = std(`v')

* get x-standardized coefficient
ologit rep78 stdprice i.foreign i.hdroom

Did I misunderstand x-standardized coefficient? How does "listcoef" work?