I'd like to derive a Z-statistic by means of the Patell test (https://www.eventstudytools.com/sign...e-tests#Patell). Unfortunately, I did not found an option within Stata to perform the test or found any material on the forum. Is there anyone who's got either a command to use or code to execute? I've tried the code underneath, but is does not seem to provide good values (CAR: cumulative abnormal returns/AR: abnormal return/CAAR: cumulative average abnormal return).
Thanks in advance,
gen temp123=1 levelsof temp123, local(123) foreach id of local 123{ by ticker: egen s2_short_`id' = sd(logret) if estimation_window_short`id'==1 by ticker: egen L_short_`id' = count(logret) if estimation_window_short`id'==1 by ticker: egen aRM_short_`id' = mean(logret) if estimation_window_short`id'==1 by ticker: egen R_short_`id' = max(logret) if eventid==`id' &estimation_window_short`id'==1 } foreach id of local 123{ by ticker: gen Rsum_short_t_`id' = logret-aRM_short_`id' if estimation_window_short`id'==1 } foreach id of local 123{ by ticker: egen Rsum_short_`id' = sum(Rsum_short_t_`id'^2) if estimation_window_short`id'==1 } foreach id of local 123{ drop Rsum_short_t_`id' } // Part-by-part calculation of statistic //(Rmt-ARm)^2 foreach id of local 123{ gen part1_s_`id' = R_short_`id'- aRM_short_`id' if estimation_window_short`id'==1 replace part1_s_`id' = part1_s_`id'^2 if estimation_window_short`id'==1 } //(Rmt-ARm)^2/sum(Rmt-ARm)^2 foreach id of local 123{ gen part2_s_`id' = part1_s_`id'/Rsum_short_`id' if estimation_window_short`id'==1 } //1+(1/L)+(part2) foreach id of local 123{ gen part3_s_`id' = 1+(1/L_short_`id')+part2_s_`id' if estimation_window_short`id'==1 } //s2(part3)^0.5 foreach id of local 123{ gen part4_s_`id' = sqrt(s2_short_`id'*part3_s_`id') if estimation_window_short`id'==1 } foreach id of local 123{ by ticker: replace part4_s_`id' = part4_s_`id'[_n-1] if missing(part4_s_`id')&event_window_short`id'==1 } // Standardize abnormal returns Patell short foreach id of local 123{ gen AR_sd_s_pat`id' =. if estimation_window_short`id'==1 } foreach id of local 123{ replace AR_sd_s_pat`id' = abnormal_return_short`id'/part4_s_`id' if event_window_short`id'==1 } // Drop variables foreach id of local 123{ drop R_short_`id' aRM_short_`id' L_short_`id' s2_short_`id' part1_s_`id' part2_s_`id' part3_s_`id' part4_s_`id' } save temp11.dta, replace //3.10.2 Cummulate standardized Patell abnormal returns short use temp11.dta, clear foreach id of local 123 { by ticker: egen CAR_pat_t_s`id'= sum(AR_sd_s_pat`id') if event_window_short`id'==1 } foreach id of local 123 { by ticker: gen CAR_pat_s`id' = CAR_pat_t_s`id'*(1/(sqrt(3))) if event_window_short`id'==1 } //3.10.3 Derive Patell Z-statistic foreach id of local 123 { egen CAAR_P_s`id'= mean(CAR_pat_s`id') if eventid==`id' } foreach id of local 123 { egen No_CAAR_P_s`id'= count(CAAR_P_s`id') replace No_CAAR_P_s`id'= sqrt(No_CAAR_P_s`id') } foreach id of local 123 { gen test_P_s`id'= CAAR_P_s`id'* No_CAAR_P_s`id' }
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