
I would like to have 2 different markers for the starting points and the end points. So for example, the 07 starting score should be a hollow circle and the 18 end score should be solid circle. The code that I have right now only gives me circles:

twoway (rcapsym v07 v18 indic, lwidth(thick) msize(medlarge) msymbol(o)) if ccode == 679, ylabel(-4(1)4, labsize(huge)) ymtick(, labsize(vlarge)) xlabel(, labsize(huge)) xmtick(, labsize(vlarge)) title(Yemen, size(huge)) xsize(1.5) ysize(4)

however I have tried different ways, adding more marker specifications to msymbol, but it does not work.

twoway (rcapsym v07 v18 indic, lwidth(thick) msize(medlarge) msymbol(o oh)) if ccode == 679, ylabel(-4(1)4, labsize(huge)) ymtick(, labsize(vlarge)) xlabel(, labsize(huge)) xmtick(, labsize(vlarge)) title(Yemen, size(huge)) xsize(1.5) ysize(4)

Is there even a way to do this?

Thank you,
