I have a problem when I use the -collapse- command. In the following code every time I use the command -collapse- it does not matter if my variable with two categories has (0 and 1) or (1 and 2) or any other pair of numbers; I always get for that variable a collapse of only 0 ( if my two categories are 0 and 1).
To explain myself, better If I have two variables X and Z. My variable Z is numerical categorical and its values are of two categories, for example, have values of 2 and 3. Then, when I use the command -collapse-:
collapse X, by (z) -> I have as result from X and Z only one value for Z that is 2. I do not understand why?
I should have obtained observations for Z = 2 and Z = 3 as a result.
My code is the following
* Creamos los labels para los loops local trat_agrup agrupado local trat_byciu byciudad * Creamos los labels para los loops // EMPLEO // preserve use "$data\labels_var.dta", replace rename name_var variables keep variables duplicates drop variables, force levelsof variables, local(variables) disp `variables' count restore * Agrupamos los tratamientos foreach base in `trat_agrup' `trat_byciu' { * Llamamos la base quietly use "$data\EMPSAL_synth_byciudad.dta", clear quietly joinby cvemun using "$data/SYNTH_cvemun_`base'_weight.dta", unmatched(both) quietly tab _merge, mis quietly keep emp_* salprom_* salmed_* year month Weight_* norte_tax cvemun * Separamos las unidades tratadas quietly preserve quietly keep if norte_tax==1 quietly collapse (mean) emp_* salprom_* salmed_* (sum) Weight_* (first) norte_tax, by(year month) quietly tempfile base_did_1 quietly save `base_did_1', replace quietly restore * Juntamos las unidades control con el agrupado de las unidades tratadas quietly preserve quietly keep if norte_tax==0 quietly tempfile base_did_2 quietly save `base_did_2', replace quietly restore quietly use `base_did_2', clear quietly append using `base_did_1' quietly replace cvemun=33000 if cvemun==. * Volvemos a generar el indice para las variables foreach var in `variables' { quietly gen Log`var'=log(`var') quietly gen byte baseyearmonth=1 if (year==2018 & month==9) quietly by cvemun (baseyearmonth), sort: gen Index`var' = Log`var' - Log`var'[1] quietly drop baseyearmonth } quietly drop norte_tax quietly gen norte_tax=(cvemun==33000) * Creamos los labels para los loops // EMPLEO // quietly preserve quietly use "$data\labels_var.dta", replace quietly keep if empsal=="emp" quietly rename name_var variables quietly keep variables quietly duplicates drop variables, force quietly levelsof variables, local(variables1) quietly disp `variables1' quietly count quietly restore foreach var in `variables1' { * Generamos solo las tendencias de los grupos control y tratamiento quietly preserve quietly collapse (mean) Index`var' [aw=Weight_`var'], by(year month norte_tax) quietly reshape wide Index`var', i(year month) j(norte_tax) quietly gen date = ym(year,month) quietly tsset date, monthly quietly rename (date Index`var'0 Index`var'1) (_time _Y_synthetic _Y_treated) * Pasamos a porcentajes el valor de la estimacion quietly replace _Y_treated=_Y_treated*100 + 100 quietly replace _Y_synthetic=_Y_synthetic*100 +100 quietly gen dif=_Y_treated - _Y_synthetic quietly twoway (line _Y_treated _time, lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash) lcolor(green) sort) //// (line _Y_synthetic _time, lwidth(medthick) lpattern(solid) lcolor(blue) sort) //// (line dif _time, lwidth(medthick) lpattern(shortdash) lcolor(black) sort yaxis(2)), //// xtitle("", /*margin(medium) height(12)*/ size(medsmall)) //// xlabel(`=tm(2015m1)'(4)`=tm(2019m10)', angle(45) grid glwidth(medthin) glpattern(dash) labsize(medsmall)) //// xline(`=tm(2019m1)', lwidth(medthin) lpattern(dash) lcolor(red)) //// ytitle("Índice (%)", margin(medium) /*height(12)*/ size(medsmall)) //// ylabel(70(10)125, angle(0) /*format(%03.2f)*/ grid glwidth(medthin) glpattern(dash) labsize(medsmall)) //// ytitle("Diferencia T - C", axis(2) margin(medium) /*height(12)*/ size(medsmall)) //// ylabel(-4(4)16, axis(2) angle(0) /*format(%03.2f) grid glwidth(medthin) glpattern(dash)*/ labsize(medsmall)) /// yline(0, axis(2) lwidth(medthin) lpattern(solid) lcolor(gs9)) /// text(125 `=tm(2019m1)' "Incremento" "ene. 2019", size(medium) color(grey) place(w)) //// legend(order(1 "Tratamiento (Municipios Zona Norte)" /// 2 "Control sintético (Municipios NO Zona Norte)" /// 3 "Tratamiento - Control") row(3) size(medsmall) symxsize(*0.6) /*span region(lcolor(white))*/) //// title("Variable: `var'", margin(medlarge)) //// subtitle("`base'", height(-12)) /// caption("NOTA1: Índice con base en septiembre 2018" /// "NOTA2: Estimaciones hasta mes de Mayo" size(small)) //// graphregion(fcolor(white)) quietly graph export "$graph\synth_manu`base'_`var'.emf", replace font("Times New Roman") quietly restore } }
Alexis Rodas
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