I am currently trying to create the usual Diff in Diff Graph e.g:
My setting:
- I have panel data of about 4 million German companies.
- I regress the yearly log total assets growth of those companies on a business tax levy increase dummy of the municipal the respective firm is located in. The dummy is one if the municipal increased the business tax levy this year
- I am expecting that there is a negative effect on log total assets growth of a firm within the same year and the years after the municipal increased the tax.
- I have 16 years, 11.000 municipals and 1500 tax increase events. So I have to standardize the x-axis to event time instead of years.
Using the following Code:
//Firm and state control variables xtset bvd_id year local independent "F3.hebesatzIncreaseDummy F2.hebesatzIncreaseDummy F1.hebesatzIncreaseDummy hebesatzIncreaseDummy L1.hebesatzIncreaseDummy L2.hebesatzIncreaseDummy L3.hebesatzIncreaseDummy" local firmControls "L1.assets_total_million L1.ratio_leverage L1.ratio_leverage_change age" // assets_total_log age local stateControls "L1.gspGrowthRate L1.gspGrowthRate_change L1.unemploymentRate L1.unemploymentRate_change" //i.municipalAssetsTotalQuantil population //Regression qui eststo spezifikation1: reg growth_assets `independent' `firmControls' `stateControls', vce(cluster statekz) qui eststo spezifikation2: reghdfe growth_assets `independent' `firmControls' `stateControls', absorb(i.year i.industry_sic_2_digit) vce(cluster statekz) qui eststo spezifikation3: reghdfe growth_assets `independent' `firmControls' `stateControls', absorb(i.year##i.industry_sic_2_digit) vce(cluster statekz) qui eststo spezifikation4: reghdfe growth_assets `independent' `firmControls' `stateControls', absorb(i.year##i.industry_sic_2_digit i.municipalId) vce(cluster statekz) //Regression output esttab spezifikation1 spezifikation2 spezifikation3 spezifikation4, b("%-8.5f") t /// stats(N r2_a, labels("N" "Adj. R-Square") fmt("%-8.0fc" "%-8.3f")) /// varwidth(22) /// nonumbers mtitles("No FE" "Year Ind" "Year##Ind" "Year##Ind Mun" "Model 5" "Model 6" "Model 7" "Model 8") /// nonotes addnote("t-values werden in Klammern angegeben.")
But somehow my Diff in Diff graph looks like this:
I am trying to understand why the log total assets growth mean of the control group also decreases after the event. I am using the following code to generate the graph. I am new to Stata so please forgive me if there are more effective ways to achieve the same (actually please tell me if there are).
foreach group in 1 0 { foreach time in "L5" "L4" "L3" "L2" "L1" "L0" "F1" "F2" "F3" "F4" "F5" { qui: sum `time'.growth_assets if hebesatzIncreaseDummy == `group', de scalar group`group'Time`time' = r(mean) } } //Clear Dataset drop _all //Create Graph Dataset out of Scalars set obs 22 gen treated = 0 gen eventtime = 0 gen growth_assets_mean = 0 scalar obs = 1 foreach group in 1 0 { foreach time in "L5" "L4" "L3" "L2" "L1" "L0" "F1" "F2" "F3" "F4" "F5" { replace treated = `group' in `=obs' replace eventtime = real(substr("`time'", 2, 2)) in `=obs' if (substr("`time'", 1, 1) == "L") { replace eventtime = eventtime *-1 in `=obs' } replace growth_assets_mean = group`group'Time`time' in `=obs' scalar obs = `=obs' + 1 } } //Graph twoway (line growth_assets_mean eventtime if treated == 1) (line growth_assets_mean eventtime if treated == 0), legend(lab (1 "Treated firms") lab(2 "Non treated firms")) ylabel(#6) xlabel(#11, grid)
I would be very thankful for any help!
Best regards,
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