Hello everybody,

I am currently trying to create the usual Diff in Diff Graph e.g:


My setting:
  • I have panel data of about 4 million German companies.
  • I regress the yearly log total assets growth of those companies on a business tax levy increase dummy of the municipal the respective firm is located in. The dummy is one if the municipal increased the business tax levy this year
  • I am expecting that there is a negative effect on log total assets growth of a firm within the same year and the years after the municipal increased the tax.
  • I have 16 years, 11.000 municipals and 1500 tax increase events. So I have to standardize the x-axis to event time instead of years.
I receive the following results in my regression:


Using the following Code:

//Firm  and state  control variables
    xtset bvd_id year
    local independent "F3.hebesatzIncreaseDummy F2.hebesatzIncreaseDummy F1.hebesatzIncreaseDummy hebesatzIncreaseDummy L1.hebesatzIncreaseDummy L2.hebesatzIncreaseDummy L3.hebesatzIncreaseDummy"
    local firmControls "L1.assets_total_million L1.ratio_leverage L1.ratio_leverage_change age" // assets_total_log age
    local stateControls "L1.gspGrowthRate L1.gspGrowthRate_change L1.unemploymentRate L1.unemploymentRate_change" //i.municipalAssetsTotalQuantil population 
    qui eststo spezifikation1: reg growth_assets `independent' `firmControls' `stateControls', vce(cluster statekz)
    qui eststo spezifikation2: reghdfe growth_assets `independent' `firmControls' `stateControls', absorb(i.year i.industry_sic_2_digit) vce(cluster statekz)
    qui eststo spezifikation3: reghdfe growth_assets `independent' `firmControls' `stateControls', absorb(i.year##i.industry_sic_2_digit) vce(cluster statekz)
    qui eststo spezifikation4: reghdfe growth_assets `independent' `firmControls' `stateControls', absorb(i.year##i.industry_sic_2_digit i.municipalId) vce(cluster statekz)

//Regression output    
    esttab spezifikation1 spezifikation2 spezifikation3 spezifikation4, b("%-8.5f") t ///
    stats(N r2_a, labels("N" "Adj. R-Square") fmt("%-8.0fc" "%-8.3f")) ///
    varwidth(22)  ///
    nonumbers mtitles("No FE" "Year Ind" "Year##Ind" "Year##Ind Mun" "Model 5" "Model 6" "Model 7" "Model 8") ///
    nonotes addnote("t-values werden in Klammern angegeben.")

But somehow my Diff in Diff graph looks like this:


I am trying to understand why the log total assets growth mean of the control group also decreases after the event. I am using the following code to generate the graph. I am new to Stata so please forgive me if there are more effective ways to achieve the same (actually please tell me if there are).

foreach group in 1 0 {
    foreach time in "L5" "L4" "L3" "L2" "L1" "L0" "F1" "F2" "F3" "F4" "F5" { 
       qui: sum `time'.growth_assets if hebesatzIncreaseDummy == `group', de
        scalar group`group'Time`time' = r(mean)

//Clear Dataset
drop _all

//Create Graph Dataset out of Scalars
set obs 22

gen treated = 0
gen eventtime = 0
gen growth_assets_mean = 0

scalar obs = 1
foreach group in 1 0 {
    foreach time in "L5" "L4" "L3" "L2" "L1" "L0" "F1" "F2" "F3" "F4" "F5" {

        replace treated = `group' in `=obs'
        replace eventtime = real(substr("`time'", 2, 2)) in `=obs'
        if (substr("`time'", 1, 1) == "L") {
            replace eventtime = eventtime *-1 in `=obs'
        replace growth_assets_mean = group`group'Time`time' in `=obs'
        scalar obs = `=obs' + 1

twoway (line growth_assets_mean eventtime if treated == 1) (line growth_assets_mean eventtime if treated == 0), legend(lab (1 "Treated firms") lab(2 "Non treated firms")) ylabel(#6) xlabel(#11, grid)
I think I have to somehow control for years. Since most of the tax increases happened in more recent years and the log total assets growth mean also declined in more recent years. But I don't know how to do that.

I would be very thankful for any help!

Best regards,