I'm trying to convert from long to wide format:
reshape wide _proc_code _proc_eye _slt_eye _age istent hydrus istent_add goniotomy trabectome concur_phaco ab_int_canal other_glau_proc_code other_glau_proc_date other_glau_proc_eye, i(patient_guid) j(_proc_date)
macro substitution results in line that is too long The line resulting from substituting macros would be longer than allowed. The maximum allowed length is 264,408 characters, which is calculated on the basis of set maxvar. You can change that in Stata/SE and Stata/MP. What follows is relevant only if you are using Stata/SE or Stata/MP. The maximum line length is defined as 16 more than the maximum macro length, which is currently 264,392 characters. Each unit increase in set maxvar increases the length maximums by 129. The maximum value of set maxvar is 32,767. Thus, the maximum line length may be set up to 4,227,159 characters if you set maxvar to its largest value. r(920);
Or whether the number of variables I want to include under each "_proc_date" is the problem (i.e. the 14 variables: _proc_code _proc_eye _slt_eye _age istent hydrus istent_add goniotomy trabectome concur_phaco ab_int_canal other_glau_proc_code other_glau_proc_date other_glau_proc_eye)?
Any help would be so appreciated; thanks for your time.
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