I'm dealing with a dataset in the following format:
var1 quantity
a 1000
b 900
c 850
d 500
e 1000
f 600
g 500
h 1500
i 1450
The data is sorted by year and quantity. So in the example above, observations 1, 2, 3, and 4 are all from the same year. You can tell that a new year has begun because the value of variable quantity in observation 5 is higher than its value in observation 5. I'm trying to generate a new variable called year which should go up by 1 every time this happens. I have already attempted doing something along these lines, where the first year is year 0:
foreach x of varlist quantity {
gen year = 0
replace year = year+1 if `x'[_n] > `x'[_n-1]
This sets the year variable to 1 on the observations where the quantity variable is higher than the value in the previous observation. I'm looking for a way to make the dataset look like this:
var1 quantity year
a 1000 0
b 900 0
c 850 0
d 500 0
e 1000 1
f 600 1
g 500 1
h 1500 2
i 1450 2
Any help is appreciated.