Dear Statalisters,
I have a 65 observation, we want to look at the variable only walking >=6 minutes correctly assign in the outcome variable Frail or No Frail. Below is cross tabulation of variables. I did, two analyses, slightly change the data. I got two separate answers. Please advise.

           |         frail
      walk |        No        Yes |     Total
       >=6 |         5         60 |        65 
     Total |         5         60 |        65 

kap frail walk           

Agreement   Agreement     Kappa   Std. Err.         Z      Prob>Z
  92.31%      92.31%     0.0000     0.0000       0.00      0.5000

. kappaetc frail walk

Interrater agreement                             Number of subjects =      65
                                                Ratings per subject =       2
                                        Number of rating categories =       2
                     |   Coef.  Std. Err.    t    P>|t|   [95% Conf. Interval]
   Percent Agreement |  0.9231    0.0333  27.71   0.000     0.8565     0.9896
Brennan and Prediger |  0.8462    0.0666  12.70   0.000     0.7131     0.9792
Cohen/Conger's Kappa |  0.0000    0.0000      .       .     0.0000     0.0000
    Scott/Fleiss' Pi | -0.0400    0.0180  -2.22   0.030    -0.0760    -0.0040
           Gwet's AC |  0.9169    0.0387  23.68   0.000     0.8396     0.9943
Krippendorff's Alpha | -0.0320    0.0180  -1.78   0.080    -0.0680     0.0040

. kappaetc , benchmark showscale

Interrater agreement                             Number of subjects =      65
                                                Ratings per subject =       2
                                        Number of rating categories =       2
                     |                            P cum.     Probabilistic
                     |   Coef.  Std. Err.  P in.   >95%   [Benchmark Interval]
   Percent Agreement |  0.9231    0.0333   0.99   0.988     0.8000     1.0000
Brennan and Prediger |  0.8462    0.0666   0.25   0.988     0.6000     0.8000
Cohen/Conger's Kappa |  0.0000    0.0000      .       .          .          .
    Scott/Fleiss' Pi | -0.0400    0.0180      .       .          .          .
           Gwet's AC |  0.9169    0.0387   0.98   0.980     0.8000     1.0000
Krippendorff's Alpha | -0.0320    0.0180      .       .          .          .

*create frail and walk into one variable 
gen frail_walk=1 if walk==1 & frail==1
replace frail_walk=0 if frail_walk~=1
gen nofrail_walk=1 if walk==1 & frail==0
replace nofrail_walk=0 if nofrail_walk~=1

 kap frail_walk nofrail_walk      

Agreement   Agreement     Kappa   Std. Err.         Z      Prob>Z
   0.00%      14.20%    -0.1655     0.0205      -8.06      1.0000

. kappaetc frail_walk nofrail_walk

Interrater agreement                             Number of subjects =      65
                                                Ratings per subject =       2
                                        Number of rating categories =       2
                     |   Coef.  Std. Err.    t    P>|t|   [95% Conf. Interval]
   Percent Agreement |  0.0000    0.0000      .       .     0.0000     0.0000
Brennan and Prediger | -1.0000    0.0000      .       .    -1.0000    -1.0000
Cohen/Conger's Kappa | -0.1655    0.0766  -2.16   0.034    -0.3185    -0.0125
    Scott/Fleiss' Pi | -1.0000    0.0000      .       .    -1.0000    -1.0000
           Gwet's AC | -1.0000    0.0000      .       .    -1.0000    -1.0000
Krippendorff's Alpha | -0.9846    0.0000      .       .    -0.9846    -0.9846
Confidence intervals are clipped at the lower limit.

. kappaetc , benchmark showscale

Interrater agreement                             Number of subjects =      65
                                                Ratings per subject =       2
                                        Number of rating categories =       2
                     |                            P cum.     Probabilistic
                     |   Coef.  Std. Err.  P in.   >95%   [Benchmark Interval]
   Percent Agreement |  0.0000    0.0000      .       .          .          .
Brennan and Prediger | -1.0000    0.0000      .       .          .          .
Cohen/Conger's Kappa | -0.1655    0.0766      .       .          .          .
    Scott/Fleiss' Pi | -1.0000    0.0000      .       .          .          .
           Gwet's AC | -1.0000    0.0000      .       .          .          .
Krippendorff's Alpha | -0.9846    0.0000      .       .          .          .