I am running a SEM model on Stata. I've 5 IVs, 1 mediator, and DV. with the sample size of 400. And I obtained this result, do you think it is acceptable, if not, what could be the cause and what could be done to obtain a better result.
Fit statistic | Value Description
Likelihood ratio |
chi2_ms(162) | 1319.798 model vs. saturated
p > chi2 | 0.000
chi2_bs(190) | 6373.000 baseline vs. saturated
p > chi2 | 0.000
Population error |
RMSEA | 0.134 Root mean squared error of approximation
90% CI, lower bound | 0.127
upper bound | 0.140
pclose | 0.000 Probability RMSEA <= 0.05
Information criteria |
AIC | 20991.679 Akaike's information criterion
BIC | 21263.099 Bayesian information criterion
Baseline comparison |
CFI | 0.813 Comparative fit index
TLI | 0.780 Tucker-Lewis index
Size of residuals |
SRMR | 0.346 Standardized root mean squared residual
CD | 1.000 Coefficient of determination

Thank you for your time!