Dear all,
I'm new on Stata community and I'm using stata 12. I'm trying to determine whether governance has a direct effect on the economic growth of a panel of 33 countries over 15 years.
To make sure I can use panel fixed effect models I am trying to perform a homogeneity test on my dataset. My panel is balanced but with many missing values.

When I perform the Hsiao test (1986) it displays the error message "no observation r(2000)". I think it's because of the missing values. Am I right? Stata still displays a result can I take it into account ? If not, how to perform this test for a panel with missing data?

The Hsiao test command used :

* Calcul de SCR1 non contraint: Estimation équation par équation
set more off
local SCR1=0
scalar N=33
scalar T=15
scalar K=5
forvalues i=1/33 {
qui reg tc_pibh wgi_igg caphum ide com pop if i==`i'
local SCR1=`SCR1'+e(rss)
di `SCR1'

* Calcul de SCR1C contraint: Estimation sur le modèle empilé
qui reg tc_pibh wgi_igg caphum ide com pop

local SCR1C=e(rss)
di `SCR1C'

*Calcul de la statistique de Fisher F1 N=33 T=15 K=5
local F1=((`SCR1C'-`SCR1')*(N*T-N*(K+1)))/(`SCR1'*(N-1)*(K+1))
*La P_value de F1
di "dof1 = " (N-1)*(K+1) " dof2 = " (N*T-N*(K+1))
local PVF1=Ftail((K+1)*(N-1),(N*T-N*(K+1)),`F1')

* Calcul de SCR1CP: estimation du modèle à effets individuels
xtreg tc_pibh wgi_igg caphum ide com pop laid,fe

local SCR1CP=e(rss)
di `SCR1CP'
*Calcul de la statistique de Fisher F2
local F2=((`SCR1CP'-`SCR1')*(N*T-N*(K+1)))/(`SCR1'*(N-1)*K)

*La P_value de F2
di "dof1 = " K*(N-1) " dof2 = " (N*T-N*(K+1))
local PVF2=Ftail(K*(N-1),(N*T-N*(K+1)),`F2')

*Calcul de la statistique de Fisher F3
local F3=(`SCR1C'-`SCR1CP')*(N*(T-1)-K)/(`SCR1CP'*(N-1))

*La P_value de F3
di "dof1 = " (N-1) " dof2 = " (N*(T-1)-K)
local PVF3=Ftail((N-1),(N*(T-1)-K),`F3')

*Affichage des résultats
di in y " SCR1 = " in gr `SCR1'
di in y " SCR1C = " in gr `SCR1C'
di in y " SCR1CP = " in gr `SCR1CP'

di in y "F1 = " in gr `F1'
di in y "F2 = " in gr `F2'
di in y "F3 = " in gr `F3'

di in y "PvalF1 = " in gr `PVF1'
di in y "PvalF2 = " in gr `PVF2'
di in y "PvalF3 = " in gr `PVF3'

In attachments you will find xtdescribe, xtsum and the error message.

Thank you very much for your help,