
I have a question about spmap. I'm just a beginner with STATA and I want to know how to use spmap for dummy variables.
In my example I want to map the dummy variable ethnicity (1= native & 0= not native) in de resort Paramaribo (capital of Suriname)

These are the steps (my do-file)

spmap mean_etn2 using "Paramaribo_ressort_coord.dta", id(Suriname_ressort_ID) ///
fcolor(Blues) osize(vvthin ..) ///
title("Ethnicity in Paramaribo(adm. level ressort)")

spmap mean_etn2 using "Paramaribo_ressort_coord.dta", id(Suriname_ressort_ID) ///
fcolor(Blues) osize(vvthin ..) ///
in Paramaribo(adm. level ressort)") ///
clmethod(custom) clbreak(0 1 2)

Now I want to know what the 0, 1 & 2 mean after clbreak and how I can label the legend.
Thanks in advance!