I am in need of two different tuples lists, so I would like to store one set as a local and call the other in a different loop.

Below is the command i am trying to store. I do not think it is storing the list because when I call the new local list in the second loop it does not recognize the local macro sp`i'. I am trying the following command to store the tuples (tuple1, tuple2, tuple3,...) to sp`i' (eg. sp1, sp2, sp3...) .

tuples x y z w

forval i =1/15 {
local sp`i' `tuple`i''

As a bonus question is there a command to count the number of tuples created so I can make the indexing more flexible? So instead of 15 it would be max(tuples), or something similar.

[Tuples is a really cool command. Thanks whoever created it!!!]