i am currently using the dca (stdca) command in stata 14.0
I research a dataset of patients with a prognostic marker and would like to compare the recurrence free survival at one year, 3 years and 5 years of the standard model with a "full" model that includes the marker (so one more covariate basically).
I know how to compare the two models for recurrence in general and i know how to do a dca for survival outcomes. But i can not figure out how to create the graph to compare the two models for survival outcomes at different follow-up points. I am familiar with the pdf of Vickert et al. https://www.mskcc.org/sites/default/...-2015-2-26.pdf , but i feel like it does not cover what i attempt. Does anyone have an idea on how to do it? i know that it is possible in R as well, but i have very (and i mean VERY) limited knowledge in R. Is it even possible in stata?
I hope somebody can help me and that its not too dumb a question.

