I have the following code for exporting regression results to excel. However I don't want the fixed effects to appear. Please assist me with that part of code


eststo clear
eststo: qui reg pm p_diff l1.pm demon_dummy int_term2 i.co_code
eststo: qui reg l p_diff l1.l demon_dummy int_term2 i.co_code
eststo: qui reg nwc p_diff l1.nwc demon_dummy int_term2 i.co_code
eststo: qui reg nwc2 p_diff l1.nwc2 demon_dummy int_term2 i.co_code

esttab using "$stata/result12.csv" ///
, ///
r2 ///
noconstant ///
mti("Profit Margin" "Leverage" "Net working capital 1" "Net Working Capital 2") ///
title("Log Log Regression with FE") replace