Hi there,

Here's my code:

local vars "date"

foreach pre in `vars'{
putexcel set "tabout/cleaningtest_`pre'.xls", replace
putexcel A1="`pre'" A3=("Sample/Patient Characteristic") B3=("Mean (SD)")
tab `pre', matrow(hnames)
local hlevels = rowsof(hnames)
forvalues i = 1/`hlevels' {
local hal`i' = hnames[`i',1]
local hal_lab`i' : label (`pre') `hal`i''
local x = `i' +2
excelcol `x'
putexcel `r(column)'3=("`hal_lab`i''"),

My aim is to put a series of dates in the colums in the excel spreadsheet. It works perfectly except it the dates are in numeric form and not formatted as they are displayed in Stata.

I am using Stata 14.2

Many thanks in advance.