I am trying to calculate the average partial effects of the state dependence and some other covariates after running a dynamic probit model. I am mainly following Wooldridge (2005), Contoyannis et al (2004), Capellari and Jenkins (2009), and Skrodal et al (2013). Assuming my model to be similar to the above papers, I am running

global var varlist           /*Covariate list*/
global var_mean varlist           /*Longitudinal Mean of $var */
global var_0 varlist           /*Initial observed values of $var */

meprobit y i.year y_0 $var_mean $var_0 $var y_lag z_lag || id: , intpoints(12)
z_lag is treatment whose effect I want to extract from the state dependence y_lag. Now I want to study the average partial effects of z_lag & y_lag on the predicted values of y. Following Wooldridge (2005), Contoyannis writes;
In this case the partial effects are averaged over the population distribution of heterogeneity and computed using the population averaged parameters ... Wooldridge shows that computing the partial effect at the observed values of the regressors for each observation and averaging the estimates over the observations provides a consistent estimate of the APE
From my understanding, this what is done by the "margins, dydx()" command after the meprobit. I want to confirm that I am correct in assuming that the following code will calculate the APE of y_lage and z_lag on the outcome, as calculated by Wooldridge and Contoyannis

margins, dydx(y_lag z_lag) nose