Hello, I am trying to combine some graphs. I generate the graphs and save them into a folder.
When I try to combine them Stata returns error and says the path of the graph is not found. However, this graph file exists.

This is the code I use to generate the graphs (it works):
 foreach a in e ef {
 foreach b in t1m t3m t6m t1y t2y t3y t5y t7y t10y {
 foreach c in mp1 mp2 mp3 mp4 ff1 ff2 ff3 ff4 ed1 ed2 ed3 ed4 {
  twoway  (line ffr_shock date) (line mp_shock date ) (line  `a'_`b'_`c' date) (line ffr_shadow date, yaxis(2)), title("SHOCK:`a'_`b'_`c'", color(black) size(medium))
  graph save  "\\Cntdat08\grp5$\ses\Generi\GENERAL\INVESTIGACION\2018_MP_flows\data\shock\_`a'_`b'_`c'.gph", replace
This is the code I am using to combine graphs (returns error, file not found (but i check it exists))
 foreach a in e ef {
 foreach b in t1m t3m t6m t1y t2y t3y t5y t7y t10y {
 foreach c in ed mp ff  {
 graph combine "\\Cntdat08\grp5$\ses\Generi\GENERAL\INVESTIGACION\2018_MP_flows\data\shock\_`a'_`b'_`c'1.gph" "\\Cntdat08\grp5$\ses\Generi\GENERAL\INVESTIGACION\2018_MP_flows\data\shock\_`a'_`b'_`c'2.gph" "\\Cntdat08\grp5$\ses\Generi\GENERAL\INVESTIGACION\2018_MP_flows\data\shock\_`a'_`b'_`c'3.gph" "\\Cntdat08\grp5$\ses\Generi\GENERAL\INVESTIGACION\2018_MP_flows\data\shock\_`a'_`b'_`c'4.gph"