Dear lister

I am using Stata17

I want to save the output from 2 table commands in 2 matrixes. After each table command the results from that command is saved in a specific matrix.

I run the following

table learnnoneed_1
matrix C1=e(b)'
table contr_1
matrix C2=e(b)'
matlist C1
matlist C2
since the two table commands involve different variables I expected C1 to be different from C2.

. matlist C1

             |        y1 
1.learnnon~1 |  .5425693 
2.learnnon~1 |  .1801962 
3.learnnon~1 |  .1202194 
4.learnnon~1 |  .0855672 
5.learnnon~1 |  .0714479 

. matlist C2

             |        y1 
1.learnnon~1 |  .5425693 
2.learnnon~1 |  .1801962 
3.learnnon~1 |  .1202194 
4.learnnon~1 |  .0855672 
5.learnnon~1 |  .0714479
where is that I go wrong?

Thank you
