I have a problem with merging two datasets.
My main dataset consists of trade data, with the variables year, partneriso, reporteriso and further variables with 22,433 observations
1992 "ZAF" "BEN" 1992 "NLD" "BEN" 1992 "DEU" "BEN" 1992 "IDN" "BEN" 1992 "THA" "BEN" 1992 "NLD" "BEN" 1992 "ESP" "BEN" ... 1992 "IDN" "GIN" 1992 "BRN" "GIN" 1992 "FIN" "GIN" 1992 "PRY" "GIN" 1992 "PRT" "GIN" 1992 "NLD" "GIN" 1992 "USA" "GIN"
"BEN" "ABW" 8006.697 "GIN" "ABW" 5940.813 "BEN" "AFG" 7450.474 "GIN" "AFG" 8955.442 "BEN" "AGO" 2064.176 "GIN" "AGO" 3804.649 "BEN" "AIA" 7242.226 "GIN" "AIA" 5192.66 "BEN" "ALB" 4228.5376 "GIN" "ALB" 4965.696
How do i get that the distance will be merged for every combination of partneriso and reporteriso?
Thank you in advance for the help. Martin
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