Hi guys, Appreciate any help.
Basically I will want to remove outliers on certain criteria of (time variables) within my dataset.
I have about 4 of these variables for which the removal of outliers should follow criteria rules that I have set

The issue is I want to first visually showcase the outliers, and I am not getting it very clear in a histogram plot just yet.
Maybe you guys advice the histogram wouldnt even be my best way to show it.
Otherwise how could I improve the histogram as such, that I can really see how many respondents actually fall under a certain time.
More clarity: Im measuring the time in the example below on how long people spend reading a pitchdeck, if they spend below a certain amount of seconds they need to be removed

What tips can you guys give me, better ways to visualise, more clarity, etc

Then after visualising it, I can actually go through with an if statement, to actually exclude data below a certain time from further analysis

I use this command: hist TimePitchdeck, freq normal bin (212)
