I am desperately looking for the solution on exporting the summary stats tables.
I typed commands as below and this table is produced.

estpost tabstat pwt_bc pwt_ac ct_bc ct_ac if emp_cd==0 | emp_cs==0 [aw=wt], by(dual) statistics(N mean sd p50 min max) col(stat)
esttab est1 using mydoc1.rtf, replace cells("N mean sd p50 min max")


This is what I have in the stata, but in the table exported in document, it shows like this:


So I tried this command below instead,

estpost tabstat pwt_bc pwt_ac ct_bc ct_ac if emp_cd==0 | emp_cs==0 [aw=wt], by(dual) statistics(N mean sd p50 min max) col(stat)
esttab est1 using mydoc1.rtf, replace cells("pwt_bc pwt_ac ct_bc ct_ac ct_ch")

and got this table like this:


This table is what I want, but I want the X-axis and Y-axis switched. And I couldn't just get this. It took me several hours exploring online to find the commands but I failed.
Can anyone help me out on this?

My questions are:

1) I want to have the sum stats and the variables switched. Why do I just not get them right? I want to have the variables in cells.

2) Is there any other stata commands to produce sum stat tables with weight and export them easier? I tried asdoc but asdoc doesn't get me the weighted values. aweight didn't work.