I am trying to run a truncated negative binomial model using survey data where my dependent variable is hospital discharges. When I run the model specifying the survey data, the model doesn't do anything, even if I leave it to run overnight. (FYI the range of the dependent variable when truncated at 0 is 1 to 17). Code/output:

svy linearized, subpop(SPD): tnbreg hptotdis i.yearind i.sex i.race i.hispyn i.region i.married ib4.education i.natstat c.pcs ib1.agecat ib4.povcat i.insstat1 if hptotdis>0
(running tnbreg on estimation sample)

If I run this a a truncated poisson model, the model works.

Just to see what would happen, I ran the negative binomial model without the svy specification and found that the model didn't converge.

Is there something I am doing wrong or is this an indication that a Poisson model is a better fit?