Hi all!

I have a complicated graph that I have multiples of for different categories and would like to simplify slightly by using the , by() feature of the graphing tools to get everything in a single image (rather than creating a separate image for each category).

I would like to display the mean for each category using text and a simple yline, but am unsure how to go about this.

The following code creates a simple version of what I'm after, but I'd like the mean value for each subtype to be displayed (or used to create a yline).

I've been searching for ages, and trying different combinations of things, but so far to no avail!

Thank you kindly,

sysuse auto, clear

twoway scatter price mpg, by(foreign) ///
    subtitle("Mean price: <insert mean for subtype here> ", suffix ring(0) pos(1) nobexpand fcol(none) lcol(white))
    yline() // with a value inside the yline brackets equal to the mean for the relevant subtype