It is my first time on this website, recently I had the error regarding java in Stata 15.1 , on the Stata 15 everything was fine and my code worked.
but now it is not and gives me this error
the error : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: Method com.stata.sfi.DataFrame.dropVar(Ljava/lang/String;I)I name or signature does not match
the code is :
cap cd `csv_folder'
local filelistA: dir . files "*.csv"
foreach file of local filelistA {
import delimited `file', varnames(1) encoding(UTF-8) clear
drop var2 var 3 var4
local dta_file = "`file'"+".dta"
save "`dta_folder'\`dta_file'", replace
set obs 1
g Var1=.
save "`data_folder'\alldata.dta", replace
I am not sure if the problem is produced by Java or by this version of Stata, (15.1), I have checked the java , its there and the version is 1.8.0_144
I hope if there is a way to fix it
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